Monday, 17 September 2007

Last King of Scotland - Dir: Kevin Macdonald

The critical and awards buzz surrounding this film has been pretty big and in some parts it truly deserves it. The movie meshes fact and fiction regarding the meeting of a fresh Scottish doctor played by James McAvoy and Ugandan dictator Idi Amin played by Forrest Whitaker. The latter is truly exceptional and deserved his Oscar for Best Performance. After seeing it, you wonder how he ever had to audition for the role, but he did! McAvoy is ok but his performances are becoming a bit samey with that constant pissed off steeley eyed looked he does. The screenplay is the biggest let down in that it all seems quite thin and never really digs deeper than the surface. It's watchable because of Whitaker's virtuosu performance, but the film around it isn't engrossing enough. This a JM SUCK IT AND SEE.