Thursday, 20 September 2007

Ghosts - Dir: Nick Broomfield

From the director of the reknowned documentaries Kurt and Courtney, Tupac and Biggie, and Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer comes this harrowing drama portraying the story of 24 chinese immigrants that lost their lives whilst cockle farming in Morecambe Bay, UK. Fascinating and disturbing at the same time, we see the dreams of the immigrants turn in to nightmares when they reach the UK after a journey that lasts six months. The promises of large salaries and nice houses are immediately seen to be far from the truth. Everyone seems to take advantage of them, even their own kind. We learn that after their deaths that the families still owe their debt to the collectors back home. At the end we find that the lead girl, Ai Qin Li, is actually played by one of the survivors. A fantastic performance. This is a JM RECOMMENDS.