Monday, 24 September 2007

Death Proof - Dir: Quentin Tarantino

This was a massive disappointment. There were problems with audiences not going to see Grindhouse but I'd assumed that was merely down to massive running time. I didn't ever think that it would be because of the extreme poorness of Tarantino's movie. He is reknowned for his witty culture referenced filled dialogue but here it was bland and just seemed to drag on forever. It just seemed really over indulgent and flabby. The two great scenes involving the Death Proof car and its driver Stuntman Mike played by Kurt Russell literally steal the show. It's not hard though to be honest to steal this show. One of the stunt girls, Zoe Bell is so gratingly bad it makes you want to walk out. She is a stunt woman in real life and should have stuck to it. This is a JM THUMBS DOWN.